
Did it happen to you as well?
You were doing something else and then yet you got left with some egg whites? No fear my friend! :) Whenever it come to that use this recipe and make some lovely little meringue’s or maybe a bigger one that would be a base like for Pavlova? Be my guest! :)

As always this recipe is extremely easy and fast to make, but…! It’s a very long time to bake them! So just be aware of that.

Recipe comes from Thermomix Cookidoo :)


3x egg whites

165g of icing sugar

pinch of salt

Remeber! All ingredients NEEDS to be in room temperature!

Prepare a tray and line it with baking paper. Leave on a side. Turn on the oven for 90C degrees.

Take a bowl, add your egg whites and salt and start beating it with mixer until you get lovely and fluffy stiff mix (around 2-3mins). Then start adding your icing sugar slowly and keep beating it for another 2-3mins.

After that time egg whites should be lovely, fluffy and “sparkly”.

Move them to pippin tin and make a small meringue’s on prepared tray.

Bake for 2hrs and then switch off the oven and leave it close to cool there.

Eat stray away or keep in close box.


Twisting Food

A foodie lover! Passion to that amazing cuisine wherever I go and make that magic happen ♥️



Peppercorn Spice